Tuesday 20 October 2009

The Art of Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended


Half Way

Nearly There


For everyone to know i made this, and the pictures are mine so i am in no way violating copyright rules. Also if you like the pics just leave a little message in the comments =)

Class Roles

Have you ever ran into a battle as a DPS but last minute they say your CC? and what if you were always a DPS and dont know what to do with CC? well here is a little explanation on class roles.

Tank - A main part of the group, the Tank needs to have strong armor, a sweet weapon, a tanking spec, tons of stamina, tons of strength and a healer that wont let him down. The tanks' role is to take most of the dmg whilst fighting mobs and bosses and let the healer be his guardian angel. The tanks you would like to trust in WoW are Warriors in Prot Spec, Paladins in Prot Spec, Deathknights in Frost Spec and Druid in Feral Spec and have Bear Form(dabatable)

DPS - DPS are attks with high Damage Per Second, DPS can be slow but powerful but the best are super quick attks. the role of the DPS is to help the tank get through whatever he is tanking. DPS's you would like to trust in WoW are Warrior in Fury Spec, Rogue in combat spec, Mage in Fire Spec, Druid in Feral or balance spec, Hunter in marksmanship spec and some pvp specs such as paladin in retribution spec.

CC - CC are people who can Crowd Control. the CC should be able to disable a target for a bit any way possible. The role of the CC is to do whatever possible to stop a target for some time so the tank can take down the biggest part of the mob. CC's you would like to trust in WoW are Rogues in any spec (dabatable), Mage in Frost Spec, Hunter in Survival and Warlocks in demonolgy (dabatable)

Healer - Another main part of the group, the healer must heal whoever in the group is on low health but keep watch on the Tank. Also a common mistake made by the healer is that whenever the healer is attked and panicks, they run away from the tank, WRONG! they are supposed to run closer to the tank so he may aggro the mob of the healer. Healer's you would like to trust in WoW are Priests in Holy Spec, Paladins in Holy Spec, Druids in restoration Spec and Shamans in Restoration Spec.

Now if your class isnt there and you would like to be then change spec, if you would like to be a DPS for example but your a BM Hunter then you should find a group that would accept you as the DPS or just stick with PVP.

Ad for the Blog

hey guys, this is my add for the blog, let me know what you think of it by writing a comment on the youtube version of it

New Cataclysm Class Combinations

Orc Mage - no benefit from race
Undead Hunter - ok because of cannabalize allowing the hunter to heal after combat (depending on the mob)
Tauren Paladin - Way OP, Paladins would be the best tanks if they had more HP and due to the taurens racial benefit the paly would pwn in BGs
Tauren Priest - pretty good due to the fact that the priest will have good health because normaly priests dont roll stamina because they cant afford to lose intellect or spirit rolls
Troll Druid - good for feral (cat form) due to troll racial speed increase spell
Blood Elf Warrior - epic/? if the arcane torrent can increase rage
Human Hunter - stylish but no benefit from race
Dwarf Mage - no benefit from race
Dwarf Shaman - good to have another shaman in the alliance but no benefit from race
Night Elf Mage - stylish and will have full invisibilty
Gnome Priest - TOTALLY OP! due to gnome intellect increase a gnome priest would be the best healer (dabatable)

Now i want you to know this is all opinion of me and others, some of you may disagree.
also my youtube channel is wowtouchpad and leave all comments there.